Evolve Pricing

Choose the plan that best fits your and your team's needs

USD $7
All components of Tariff #2

In-depth activity and insights reports

AI course and onboarding production

AI courses translation

Course chat interactivity and support

Customized feed content

Customized push notifications

Just pay:
per user/month*
Smart approach
#2 most popular
USD $4
All components of Tariff #1

We transform all your static trainings into interactive courses

We transform your onboarding content

Access to course library on soft-skills

Control panel with advanced analytics

Actionable reporting (re-engagement)

Certificates upon complition

Just pay:
per user/month*
It all yours, for free
Enterprise (Custom)
Let’s talk
Free of charge
All components of Tariff #3

Customized solution

API integration

Account manager

Built-in calendar reminders

Expert course chat interactivity

We transform your 3 static trainings into interactive courses

Unlimited use period

AI-generated content/sessions/lessons

Customized course branding

Engaging tasks and assignments

Gamification features

Course chat functionality

Just write to us:
Just pay:
Leave your details for us
It all yours, for free
Smart approach
Enterprise (Custom)

Gamification features
Engaging practical assignments
Buil-in chat functionality
Participant leaderboards
Personalized certificates
Branding and customization
Course chat functionality
Course chat moderation
Chat interactivity with course expert
Course library on soft skills
User pool

Control admin panel
Actionable reporting
In-depth insights reports

Content creation:
Course transformation tool
Course production tool
Feed content
Customized feed content

AI features:
AI-generated content
AI course and onboarding production
AI courses translation
AI video translation
Customized feed content
User efficiency report

Customized push notifications
Customized certificates
Corporate reward program
Achievements and nominations
Built-in calendar reminders
Customized solution
API integration

Account management
Advanced account management
Onboarding assistance
Live support

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Do you have any questions or need more information? Contact us for a chat!